Rainy Season 2019

2019 has been a very strong ainy season. Due to the vast amount of water several lagoons have formed which hasen´t happened since the strongest raining period recorded in 2009.

Nature is at its best and the views are stunning. Lot´s of different wildlife around and nature lovers will have a blast on checking out all lagoons and what the park has to offer.

Due to the ammount of water a lot of hidden and secret lagoons have been formed again inside the nationalpark but restrictions in terms of transit inside the park make it impossible to reach them.
Annother effect of the rain falls this year is that along the coast kitespots may have changed because of the vast ammount of sediments that were transported especially close to rivers.
After that long period of almost no rain a big relief to this state and great opportunities to ride some already known lagoons and maybe some only existing right n